Thursday, October 1, 2009


Thank you, thank you , thank you NE Learns 2.0. I finally get the RSS feeds thing. And guess what? I love it! Wish you all could see me dancing!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thing# 28 - Google Reader. I really need to find the time to explore all the bells and whistles of Google Reader especially since I am now following a number of blogs. This feature is a great timesaving device. But I still need to become more familiar with how this all works. Guess I said that already, huh? Ok, thats where the NE Learns 2.0 challenge steps in! So my challenge will be to continue to learn about RSS feeds and their ability to manage blogs, news, etc. Hopefully in time I will become an expert!!!

I did subscribe to a few of the blogs I read faithfully and signed up for feeds that interest me. And, also, followed blogs from the Particpants list. In the future I will weed out some of the ones that I do not follow. Mobile Google Reader sounds like a wonderful idea for my phone.

On a note about last month's challenge, Facebook. our Library Board was really impressed that our Library now has a Facebook page and Twitters, too!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Library Facebook page

Our NE Learns 2.0 challenge this month was to become familiar with the social networking site, Facebook. I already had a personal Facebook account to connect with family and friends. My family are especially very active Facebook users. We have a fun time sharing everyday events, photos, videos, taking quizzes, and using applications. I decided to set up an account for the Library, but learned that a "person" sets up an account and then creates a page for your business, organization, etc. Our library now has a Facebook page that I administrate. Photos are posted and I will continue to update. Readers of this blog may link to our Library's page. Facebook will assist us in connecting with the public by advertising our events, "hot" new books, and posting updates about what all is going on with the the library. We also joined Twitter to post library happenings. Thanks to NE Learns for motivating me in setting up these accounts to " get social".

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I wanted to set up a Facebook page for the Library. Well, to make a long story short, I wrongly set up a personal page. I already have one to connect with family and friends. So, that account is now deactivated, but facebook is still confused and won't let me set up an account associated with the library's email address. I'll wait a day and try to set up an account for an organization.
Hopefully, then, our Library will be on Facebook.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #25-assignment 3

I'm loving Google maps ever more! I created a "My Map", claimed our library, and I'm working towards imbedding a map on our website. I will continue to "play around" with these tools in the future.
The street view feature is most fascinating. I especially can see our young patrons using this tool to view places and countries around the world. We have patrons in our library who use maps for driving directions and have asked for help. This assignment will allow me to further assist our patrons.
Besides the mapping features, Google maps is also a great marketing tool. Our town is small but creating maps with markers of the interesting facts, photos, and businesses in Springfield and the surrounding area enhances our presence in the community.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Assignment #2

To search for our library on Google maps, I found I needed to use our name and a zip code to correctly find our location. I used the editing tool to move the marker since it was down the street approximately two blocks east of our building. The website listed was our city's main website. Users are able to find the library there indirectly, but I used this tool to change the website listed to our library's URL to allow quick access to the library's website. By changing these facts, users of Google maps will have access to the correct information. As an added bonus, I did "claim our business" to further ensure that all information about our library is listed correctly and to update info in the future. What great features to market our library!

NE Learns assignment #1

I located the NE State Capitol building at 1445 K St. in Lincoln, NE using Google Maps. I then took a drive down 16th St. using the Street View feature. I was able to see vehicles and people walking down the sidewalk as well as the Capitol Building from the street.
When using the Get Directions feature I do prefer the satellite view and then zooming in to follow the route. Another great feature of Directions is being able to move your route. The Street view on Google Maps helps to familiarize you with the area you are traveling to.
"Traveling" to more exotic locales such as the kangaroos in Australia makes it seems as if you are going on a tour. Virtual tours are fun! Also it assists us in learning how people live and exist in other locations. We are given a chance to view the world.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Google maps

Oh, am I in luck! My husband loves Google maps. Now I will learn how this works too, but if I get stuck, I have a great resource. We also have patrons who use Google maps. More knowledge and fun!


I think I'm a little late for this, but I just want to share some new things I learned from the May lesson. First, Twitter is easy and fun, but also a great marketing tool. One THING, I am toying around with in my mind, our Library website and marketing the library! We should really take advantage of these services. I also used Google Alerts and Bloglines. I really need to explore and play around with Bloglines more. Maybe filter out the blogs I don't really use. Ok, I have tried RSS feeds, but don't seem to understand how this works. Someday when I have more time....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Springfield news

Exciting!Google Alerts posted two Springfield, NE area news stories. More excitment...I am the Editor for our town's electronic weekly newsletter which is posted to the city of Springfield's website. Our fearless leader became aware of the power of Twitter and registered me and the other newsletter editors with Twitter accounts. We are twittering about happenings in our area.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I have subscribed to Google Alerts to track news about our town, but alas I am discovering we are too small. We were mentioned on Twitter last week. Wahoo!! No news so far about the library, though. I am finding bloglines is a very useful tool. This service certainly helps track all your fav blogs. What a time saver! I'm becoming addicted!

Monday, May 4, 2009


I just cruised through the NE Learns 2.0 #24 lesson. As part of the assignment, I searched for comments about our library on Twitter. No such luck...nobody is twittering about our library! This could be construed as good or as bad. My first thought is to twitter about our library myself. Feedback may happen!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

life long learner

I watched the Life Long Learning video. It made me realize that I need to think of life's challenges as a learning experience. Yes and I do love learning new things! I may not be great at all things I've learned along the way, but at least I've tried. Now, onto learning more new Things!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

myspace, facebook, twitter...Now i blog!