Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thing# 28 - Google Reader. I really need to find the time to explore all the bells and whistles of Google Reader especially since I am now following a number of blogs. This feature is a great timesaving device. But I still need to become more familiar with how this all works. Guess I said that already, huh? Ok, thats where the NE Learns 2.0 challenge steps in! So my challenge will be to continue to learn about RSS feeds and their ability to manage blogs, news, etc. Hopefully in time I will become an expert!!!

I did subscribe to a few of the blogs I read faithfully and signed up for feeds that interest me. And, also, followed blogs from the Particpants list. In the future I will weed out some of the ones that I do not follow. Mobile Google Reader sounds like a wonderful idea for my phone.

On a note about last month's challenge, Facebook. our Library Board was really impressed that our Library now has a Facebook page and Twitters, too!